Want a change of pace from the traditional movie fare? Explore the B-movie and late-night film world with help from the "All Movie Guide." What is the criteria for selecting the movies that are included in the" All Movie Guide?" It's simple: any movie, from silent films to the latest blockbuster, including your favorite black & white late-night movie that never made it to VHS.
Many different authors write for the" All Movie Guide," most of them published authors in the subject including authors like Bruce Eder (formerly of Janus Films) and Hal Erickson (author of many film books).
Pick your favorite genre and take a quick stroll through this short list of top-ranked movies or explore the more extensive list made available by the "All Movie Guide" by typing "Allmovie" on CompuServe or by visiting the" All Movie Guide" website at:
Five Star Choices
5-Star Sci-Fi
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954
2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968
Clockwork Orange, 1971
Forbidden Planet, 1956
Godzilla, 1956
King Kong, 1933
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956
Planet of the Apes, 1968
Terminator, 1984
Thing, 1951
5-Star Horror
Bride of Frankenstein, 1935
Carrie, 1976
Diabolique, 1955
Faust, 1926
Metropolis, 1933
Nosferatur, 1922
Phantom of the Opera, 1925
Psycho, 1960
Rosemary's Baby, 1968
Silence of the Lambs, 1991
5-Star Film Noir
Asphalt Jungle, 1950
Back Door to Heaven, 1939
Dead End, 1937
Double Indemnity, 1944
Funeral, 1984
King of Comedy, 1982
Mildred Pierce 1945
Rope, 1948
Strangers on a Train, 1951
Touch of Evil, 1958
Cult Favorites
Blade Runner, 1982
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, 1984